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Home > Artisan Soap > Essential Oil Soaps
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Carrot Ginger Soap Casco Bay Breeze Soap Chai Tea Latte Soap
Carrot Ginger Soap
Our Price: $7.00
Casco Bay Breeze Soap
Our Price: $7.00
Chai Tea Latte Soap
Our Price: $7.00
The classic combination of carrot & ginger makes an awesome soap. Fennel-Spearmint, a unique combo. Spicy & creamy!
Citrus Scrub Soap Coconut Lemongrass Soap Down Under Sudser
Citrus Scrub Soap
Our Price: $7.00
Coconut Lemongrass Soap
Our Price: $6.00
Down Under Sudser
Our Price: $7.00
A great kitchen soap with poppy seeds and orange & lemon peel for scrubbing power! This is an extra moisturizing bar with both coconut & goat's milk combined with a pleasant lemongrass scent. Shampoo & Body Bar with Australian Tea Tree Oil
Frankincense & Myrrh Soap Gardener's Soap Happy Feet Soap
Gardener's Soap
Our Price: $7.00
Happy Feet Soap
Our Price: $7.00
Exotic & warm moisturizing bar. Triple Scrubbing Action great for gardeners and other hard working hands. Soap just for your feet!
Happy Hippie Soap Lavender Oatmeal Soap Lavender-Lemongrass Soap
Happy Hippie Soap
Our Price: $7.00
Lavender Oatmeal Soap
Our Price: $7.00
Patchouli lovers rejoice! A Classic Gentle Exfoliating Soap Calm & Restore
Maine Woods Soap Oatmeal, Milk & Honey Soap Orange Spice Soap
Maine Woods Soap
Our Price: $7.00
Orange Spice Soap
Our Price: $7.00
Cedarwood-Siberian Fir A true classic Orange + Spice = Nice!
Patchouli-Geranium Soap Peppermint-Rosemary Soap Sea Salt Spa Bar
Patchouli-Geranium Soap
Our Price: $7.00
Sea Salt Spa Bar
Our Price: $6.00
Soothe-Intensify! Energize & Renew! A spa treat at home.
Siberian Fir Soap Soapourri Soap Spearmint-Eucalyptus  Soap
Siberian Fir Soap
Our Price: $7.00
Soapourri Soap
Our Price: $6.00
Hug a tree (or at least smell like you did)! A colorful soap with a pleasant lavender-orange scent. Clarify-Relax!
Sunshine Daydream Soap Tangerine-Patchouli Soap Wake-Up Call Soap
Sunshine Daydream Soap
Our Price: $6.00
Wake-Up Call Soap
Our Price: $6.00
A very nice-smelling gentle soap. Relieve & Balance Here's your wake-up call!